Meet the Members: Ali Constanti

This month's "Meet the Member" features Ali Constanti, a multinational teacher, who dreamed of becoming a rock and roll star before she reluctantly decided to get a 'proper job'.

Tell us a little about yourself and why you come to Unicorn Studios?

Until recently, I was a secondary Head of English. During the pandemic, like many, I was plunged into unknown waters and found myself leading a team of teachers delivering remote lessons to a large cohort of bewildered teens. I loved it. It was hugely challenging, but I developed skills and expertise to give me the confidence to break out of the ever-more-challenging classroom and into the world of remote tutoring. So, that’s what I do. I create teaching resources and teach classes in Singapore as well as students in Spain and the UK. I knew the one thing I’d miss about teaching in school would be my fellow grown-ups so decided to investigate co-working options. Unicorn was only the second place I tried but I knew right away I didn’t need to look any further.

What was your first job?

After graduating, the plan was to become a rock and roll star. So, although I earned a few quid gigging in and around London, I paid the bills by working in a busy restaurant in Baker Street, waiting tables. It was a fair bit later that I reluctantly decided to get a ‘proper job’ (my parents’ perspective) and train to be a teacher. That was the end of the dream.

Production of the comedy musical 'Romantic Romeo'

What work accomplishment are you most proud of?

I think I’m probably most proud of the many plays and productions I’ve put on over the years. It’s quite a complex and challenging process to put a show on the stage but the project manager in me relishes the level of organisation involved!

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Gosh – just realised I’m neither! Like to be tucked up early (10.30ish) but I really do struggle to wake up. Can’t speak for at least half an hour and if my husband didn’t bring me a cuppa every morning, I might well just stay there. That’s terrible isn’t it? I have developed a terrible habit of falling down a Twitter rabbit hole at about 3am.

When working at home what is your guilty pleasure?

I’m working on it. My girls really think I should learn to enjoy things. Any suggestions?

What’s one of your favourite memories this year?

I have a terrible memory and, to be honest, 2022 wasn’t the best of years for me in lots of ways.  I think it might’ve been when my youngest (17) received her A level results. We took a bit of a gamble entering her early but, thankfully, it paid off. 

What’s something you’re planning on doing in the next year that you’ve never done before?

In 2023 my plan is to live more and work less. I think that might be a challenge and I’ve never been any good at it but now my three girls are pretty independent, I’m going to try and focus more on me. I’m thinking of a city break, on my own.

What is your hidden talent?

I’ve been supporting my parents recently. My mum is struggling through her sixth year with Alzheimer’s and, part of my reason for leaving teaching, was to look after her and my dad for a couple of days each week. It turns out I’m quite a decent carer. I never would have guessed I would be and was pretty surprised to discover I wasn’t at all bad at it. 

If you could snap your fingers and become an expert in something, what would it be?

I think world politics. Is that a bit dull? I’ve become far more engaged in politics in recent years (thanks to Twitter really) but now find there are many holes in my knowledge.

What three people would be your fantasy coworkers at Unicorn studios? And why?

Shakespeare would love to watch his quill speeding across his parchment. I’d keep interrupting him though. He was long dead when he was my age!

Dara O’Briain – reckon he’d be good fun to be around, and I could just listen to him talk all day.

Jodie Comer – a hugely talented actor and I reckon she’d be inspirational. I imagine her to be no-nonsense, down to earth, friendly, interesting and funny. The perfect colleague.

Would you rather be a tiny unicorn or a giant hamster?

I’ll have to go with the giant hamster – everyone believes in hamsters.

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