
Whether you're a freelancer, small business owner, or remote worker, coworking spaces can provide the perfect place to thrive whilst at work. With communities of like-minded professionals, members can be more productive, creative, and self-motivated. 


The value of a physical workplace

Coffee & Coworking at Unicorn Studios

The advantages of starting a new business in a coworking studio


We add importance to many material things these days but have you ever considered the value of a physical workplace? I know I didn't until the events of the last few years...

Coffee & Coworking at Unicorn Studios

The advantages of starting a new business in a coworking studio

New Year New Unicorn!

Further Reading

Meet the Members: Mark King

This month's "Meet the Member" features Illustrator Mark King, who designed our coat of arms on the Studio wall. He can consume his own weight in Ben & Jerry’s Cookie Dough ice-cream, and is learning to create clay sculptures.

Meet the Founders: Steve Butterworth

This month's "Meet the Founder" features Software Developer, Steve Butterworth, who is one of the three founders of Unicorn Studios. He is a keen cyclist, loves to travel, and has recently become "slightly obsessed with the Wim Hof Method", which involves breathing exercises followed by an iced bath or a chilly dip in the sea or river.

Meet the Members: Andrew Harrigan

This month's "Meet the Member" features Campaign Director, Andrew Harrigan, who took a two month trip to Chile, Argentina and Guatemala last year, and is planning a trip to Japan. He enjoys playing the guitar, and his heroes are Jimi Hendrix, Dave Gilmour, Lindsay Buckingham, and John Mayer.

Join Our Studio


Flexible working.

Improve your work/life balance.

Opportunity to collaborate with like-minded individuals.

Increased productivity and fewer distractions.

More cost effective than commuting.

A bookable meeting room.

© Unicorn Studios (Ipswich) Ltd.

All rights reserved.

UK company registration 12033476